Continuous ink supply system (CISS) for Brother MFC-3360C
Try Continuous Ink System with your Brother MFC-3360C and make 30 times more quality prints for the same money! Pay only 0.04 USD for A-4 full color print!
Availability:In Stock
Total amount — 45.90 USD
Warranty 12 months
Country of origin:
South Korea
Material of ciss for brother mfc-3360c:
The same as original
Numbers of original cartridges:
960 | 51/57 | 1000
1 CISS 45.90 USD = 56 original cartridges 840 USD
Ink System for Brother mfc-3360c: considerable economy for color inkjet printing
Modern Color printing
You may buy ciss brother mfc-3360c now because for the Brother printers and other printing devices of the different Brands the manufacturers started to produce such kinds of devices due to the wide development inkjet printing which demands the growth of the technological level of the equipment. That is why the installation of continuous ink supply system ciss mfc-3360c on any printer model becomes more tempting, the amount of different models at the market is rather high, and every customer may choose the exact device for his needs.

There is only one conclusion that can be made: use of the cis brother mfc-3360c allows to decrease money and time expenses at most. Insignificant shortcomings of this system do not play important role in comparison to multiple advantages of such devices.
Usually it is better and more reasonable to use ciss ink system brother mfc-3360c in inkjet printers with a built-in print head, as well as the next models of such systems ciss for brother mfc-440cn and ciss for brother mfc-665cw, this is due to the long life of the head itself, though the system CISS for mfc-3360c can be installed into the printer with a detachable print head, placed in the cartridge.
Ink system for brother mfc-3360c - new possibilities of your printer
The inkjet printer Brother combines in itself everything that can be necessary for personal work with documents: printer, fax, scanner and copying device. At work the piezoelectric inkjet technology is used, with the help of which quality color printing is made. Bulk ink system for brother mfc-3360c is able to make up to 2500 prints in a month that is a large amount itself.
Printer resolution (color printing mode) is 6000x1200 dpi. There is an ability of connection via Wi-Fi module, and also via USB 2.0, by means of which it is possible to connect the MFD to any computer. The printing device has also a color fax with the memory for 200 pages and is able to receive and send different data with the speed up to 14,4 Kb per sec.
Print, copy and scan color documents and photos with the help of this compact and stylish multifunctional device. The inkjet printer is equipped with built-in wireless interface Wi-Fi and a card reader, what allows to print high quality images directly from any memory card.
Easy use of this device as the inkjet printer with ciss for brother mfc-3360c, its high speed operation and high quality photo printing make this machine an ideal one for work at office, at home or at any working place.