Continuous Ink Supply System (CISS) for Brother MFC-5460CN

Buy CISS Brother MFC-5460CN and make 30 times more quality prints for the same money! Pay only 0.04 USD for A-4 full color print!

Availability:In Stock

Total amount — 46.00 USD

Warranty 12 months

Country of origin:
South Korea

Material of CISS:



1 CISS 46.00 USD = 56 original cartridges 840 USD

Ink system for Brother mfc-5460cn: best windfall for color printing

CISS Ink system for Brother mfc-5460cn

CISS – what is it?

Continuous ink supply system (ciss mfc-5460cn) – is a modern system consisting of containers and tubes used in inkjet printers or MFPs to run the ink mixture directly to the print head of the device from the refilled containers. Installation of ciss for brother mfc-5460cn saves significant percentage of user's money during color inkjet printing. The device consists of specialized containers, connected with the original cartridges by a thin silicone tube, through which a constant supply of ink is made to the printer cartridge and respectively to the print head installed. Continuous ink supply helps to achieve significant savings up to fifty times when compared with common original cartridges.

Now you can buy cis brother mfc-5460cn, as for a printer Brother as for printing devices by other brands. Many manufacturers have become more active and began producing such systems, because the rapid development of ink-jet printing requires higher technological level of the printing devices. That is why the installation of continuous ink supply system in any printer model is becoming an increasingly tempting offer for users, as there is a significant number of printer models in the world market and each user can independently choose the device directly according to his demands.

How it works ciss brother mfc-5460cn

The system ciss ink system brother mfc-5460cn – works on the principle of communicating vessels, which are divided by the donor vessels and acceptor vessels (the print head of the device), they are connected by a special elastic loop, which transports ink according to its consumption during printing. The unique design of the receiving capsule in CISS for mfc-5460cn, as well as in similar models CISS for Brother MFC-J415w and CISS for Brother MFC-J630W perfectly removes excessive air out of the system of communicating vessels and prevents any accidental flow of ink from one container to another. To compensate underpressure created in the capsule during the printing process, the ink flows through the tubes from the donor containers to the cartridge instead of the used ink.

Due to this system constant supply of ink to the print head is provided and also the constant presence of ink in it. The donor containers can be as of small volume (in the range of 100-150 ml), as of quite significant one (in the range 200-500 ml), – they are up to 50 times larger than the original cartridges. This can dramatically change the type of supplies, allows to use ink by other manufacturers on one's own, selecting optimal combination of product quality and the prices, and as a result to obtain great financial difference and moreover – money savings.